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Ratios des différentiels de 240 au fil du temps

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  • Ratios des différentiels de 240 au fil du temps

    Engine, transmission, and rearend combinations (140/240 series USA/Canada):

    1972-75 140/240 with B20F and M40 or BW35: 4.10:1 type 1030
    1971-75 140/240 with B20E/F and M41: 4.30:1 type 1030
    1969-75 164 with M400/410: 3.73:1 type 1031(?)
    1969-75 164 with BW35: 3.31:1 type 1031
    1976-79 240 with B21 and any transmission: 3.91:1 type 1030
    1976-81 260 series with B27F or B28F and M46: 3.73:1 type 1031
    1976-82 260 with B27/28F and BW55: 3.54:1 type 1031
    1980 240's with B21A/F and M45/6: 3.91:1 type 1030
    1980 240's with B21F and A/BW55: 3.73:1 type 1030
    1980 240's with B21A and BW55: 3.54:1 type 1030
    1981 240's with B21F non-MPG: 3.73:1 type 1030
    1981-84 240's with B21A and BW55: 3.54:1 type 1030
    1981-84 240's with B21A/F-MPG and M46: 3.54:1 type 1030
    1981-82 240's with B21F-MPG and AW55/70: 3.91:1 type 1030
    1981-85 240's with B23E or B21FT and M46: 3.73:1 type 1031
    1981-82 240's with B23E and BW55: 3.54:1 type 1031
    1981 262C: 3.31:1 type 1031
    1982 240T with AW71: 3.73:1 type 1031
    1983-84 240 with B23F and M46: 3.31:1 type 1031
    1983-84 240 with B23F and AW70: 3.73:1 type 1031
    1983 240 with B23E and M46: 3.73:1 type 1031?
    1983 240 with B23E and BW55: 3.54:1 type 1031
    1983-85 240 with B21FT and AW71: 3.91:1 type 1031
    1985-93 240 with B230F and M46/7: 3.31:1 type 1031 or 1041 (some '92-on 240)
    1985-93 240 with B230F and AW70: 3.73:1 type 1031 or 1041 (some '92-on)

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